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“Yes, money is tough and challenge!

Money is challenge but We have lot of FAITH, We knows there is not easy but we have to what we can is our best! We let god lead us and see what the plans next. We re not here to asking for people help us but have a heart to donate for CODY. He will have a great life like his sister Ramona. We knows we re stress and lot stuff but we have to remember that we will be ALRIGHT. We will be greatly appreciate for all your donate or feedbacks for our little CODY. People asked . " are you sure to adopt another child because of the money issue." I told the people " well , I know its challenge but we have to is faith in and lets see what the future hold of us. " Money is worthless, BUT the children who need a HOME and a beautiful LIFE. Teach the children about the love and not about the money. Money is important for another things but CHILDREN need a home that they don't have a family. This is a sad for bio parents give up on the children. We have a heart to bring our sweet Cody come home and sharing of his life in our life. God believe that We should let a children in our life and give the better life too.

Meet the Nowrey  parents 

We are Catrina  and Billy

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 payment to Hand in Hand 
2519 S. Shields # 106. Fort Collins, Co 80526
Cody Chinese name- send me private message and I can give to you 
taxes write off too. 
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